What to Do After You Enter Through the Door / ¿Qué hacer después de entrar por la puerta / O que fazer depois de entrar pela porta


Dear Friend, this article is primarily for people who have already entered through the “Door” of Life by accepting Jesus Christ as their Saviour. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour as of yet, please do so today by simply believing in Jesus Christ – that He died for you, that He was buried and rose again, and by calling on His Name to save you. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

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LISTEN: Is Something Missing In Your Life? / Algo que falta en su vida? / Algo faltando em sua vida?

What do you find your happiness in? What do you look forward to doing in life? Is there a special person that you love to see because they just make your day? Do you have all you could want or need but find that something is still missing?

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God’s Simple Plan of Salvation / Simple Plan de Salvación de Dios / Simple Plan de Deus da Salvação

My Friend: I am asking you the most important question of life. Your joy or your sorrow for all eternity depends upon your answer. The question is: Are you saved? It is not a question of how good you are, nor if you are a church member, but are you saved? Are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die?

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Who Is God? / ¿Quién es Dios? / Quem é Deus?


MEDIA: Click here to watch video on Who is God?

The question “Who is God?” is a good question.  It is better than asking “What is God?”  This is because God exists, created us, loves us, is concerned for our being, desires to provide for us, and sent the Son to redeem us.  If we were to ask “What is God?” we might be tempted to say that God is the infinite being, the creator, a presence, or something like that.  In some respect, this would be true.  But the first question brings us closer to understanding more of who God really is in His character and His love for us as revealed in the Bible.

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